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BDD/EDs in Men Resources

Additional Citations

Blashill, A. J., Grunewald, W., Fang, A., Davidson, E., & Wilhelm, S. (2020). Conformity to masculine norms and symptom severity among men diagnosed with muscle dysmorphia vs. body dysmorphic disorder. PLOS ONE , 15(8): e0237651.


Oshana, A., Klimek, P., & Blashill, A. J. (2020). Minority stress and body dysmorphic disorder symptoms among sexual minority adolescents and adult men. Body Image, 34, 167-174.


Trusted Resources

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (Anxiety & Depression Association of America)


Eating Disorders in Men and Boys (National Eating Disorders Association)


BDD in Men (Body Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation)


Boys and men make up one third of all people with eating disorders, but most aren’t getting the care they need (American Psychological Association)


What Are The Best Therapy Options for Eating Disorders? (PsychCentral)


Personal Accounts

On the Hall: How in the world did I end up the only man in the eating disorder unit?



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