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Better Mental Health & Wellness

Patient Information
For Existing Patients:
All telehealth patients must have access to a scale and a blood pressure monitor/cuff, as we are unable to obtain vital signs on our end and monitoring these values are essential to providing the best care possible.
Need recommendations? We recommend reviewing the link here.​ Your insurer's wellness plan may also offer discounts.
Your provider may need to visualize the readings, so please be ready to provide this if indicated.
It is generally recommended to obtain a blood pressure reading after the patient has been sitting relatively still for at least a few minutes. Please follow all instructions included with the monitor/cuff.
This is also noted in the telehealth consent form that all patients must consent to. If you have questions or concerns, please ask your provider.
Regarding billing:​
All billing and payments services are now managed via Headway. Please direct any questions or concerns to Headway.
SimplePractice has the capability to separate family member profiles from the patient profile.
For patients 12 and below, the system assumes that the parent/guardian is managing the profile directly.
For patients 13 to 17, they will have their own profile that must remain private to them (for both legal and ethical reasons). This is referenced in our treatment of minors consent form.
If the adolescent has their own phone number and/or email, that should be attached to their account.
We can create parent/guardian profiles after the fact if the adolescent patient consents; the parent/guardian would typically then have access to billing, their own messaging options, etc.
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